Wednesday 27 June 2007

Another try... and another bento!

I tried food blogging a couple of months ago as I enjoy reading and looking at what other people prepare and found there are close to no German vegan blogs- or only hardcore AR ones (nuthin' bad about that, tho).

Then I went to London and my camera died in the palm house of Kew Gardens... for now I'm taking photos with my fancy new mobile which can do everything- but I'm on the lookout for a proper camera. Until then, please ignore my cheezy pics.

Today's lunch at work will be a corn salad stolen from
and some Indian spinach/potatoe curry bake (recipe from vegweb, but I can't find it anymore T_T).
And my love for bento making has awakened from a long sleep... so far I only own one proper Japanese bento, but ordered some today- can't wait for them to arrive!


Monika K said...

Darf ich fragen, wie du mein Blog gefunden hast? Ich bin auch neu zu dieser "veggie-Gesellschaft" im Internet. (-:

Seitan Wörshipper said...

Hello! I noticed your message in my blog and coming to visit your blog ;) Thats looks nice, I also love Indian cooking and like excpesially those spinachy things! I had done lots of arts and I think I`m going to post more pictures of my drawings etc. for future(when i have a time to it..). Nice to find another European vegan :) I`m waiting to see more of your cookings!

Steffi said...

Über einen Kommentar by "Seitan is my Motor"- hoffe, das sieht jetzt nicht nach stalking aus ;-)