Wednesday, 3 September 2008

Return of the Potluck Brunch

After three month's break, which felt like three years at least, another vegan brunch/potluck took place in Düsseldorf eventually.

We didn't stay long because it was hot- no breeze at all and they started a BBQ in the crammed backyard and also because I had to work at the opera later.

Anyway, here's the grub:

couscous-herb salad, a bread roll, TVP gyros, tomato and cucumber, a small muffin-cup mushroom pastry, half a bread roll and tomato spread to die for.

Apple pancake, tsatsiki sauce with oven-baked zucchini and bell pepper and a tart with custard icing (the same as on the cupcake above). We found out why it's called icing- it melted away in the sun!

Big pile o'sweetness... not why I ate, but Eva who though omni, thorougly enjoyed everything. And yes, she finished the entire serving!
(Apple pancake, fruit salad, chocolate cake, vanilla custard with fruit filling, purple custard and a cupcake)


LizNoVeggieGirl said...

Scrumptious brunch fare!

VeganCowGirl said...

I am so jealous! There are no vegan brunches going on over here in Brussels! It all looks soooo great.

urban vegan said...

Wow...what a festive, yummy get-together.

mo said...

thanks for the commeny blog Steffi. I always love to discover new bento blogs, so here I am. I'm not vegan, and not a real végetarian since I eat meat once in a while, but I'm vegan friendly. Uh.