Tuesday 27 November 2007


Baking a variety of cookies in the weeks before Christmas is a very German tradition. I'm by no means traditional, but I have very fond memories of doing the Xmas baking wiht my grandmother once a year as a child. The anticipation of the cookies may even have been greater than of the presents.

So yesterday I tried to recipes from two other vegan German bloggers.

One were the oatmeal-coconut cookies from amy's blog. They turned out awesome even though I forgot the baking powder and only used all-purpose flour instead of wholewheat. I must remember to bake with coconut milk more often!

The other, strange-sounding but yummy creating was brought to us by Lotta who posted the recipe on the PPK. At first, baking with olive oil might sound weird, but it's really good.
How can olive oil not be?

Omni collegues enjoyed both varieties.

1 comment:

amy said...

hallo, vielen Dank für das Lob :-) du sag mal, kannst du mir den Link für die Lemon-Olive-Oil-Cookies schicken ich finds bei PPK nicht. Achja und für die Kidneybeans Meatballs (oda so) auch? Danke :-) lg amy